Clever Instagram Tricks | Create Your Own Link Tree

Instagram Link Trees are a great way to expand upon your best posts - a call to action, links to events, links to fundraisers - while keeping your main website link available. Popular services like, Sked Link, Later, LinkInBio, etc. are awesome for creating link trees, and most offer some level of customization. Often a monthly subscription is required for the cooler tools like backgrounds/colors.

We suggest building your own Link Tree.

Where do your followers go when they click the link in your bio? The first click takes them to your hosted Link Tree. The second click may take them to your website (that’s great!), but if you’re amplifying a community relief event or the craft show where you’ll be this weekend, that first click may take your follower away from your Insta and away from anything you’d like to share.

Hosting your own Link Tree takes your followers directly to your website. From there they can link to fundraisers, shows, community events, etc. BUT the link in your bio takes them to your site. That’s a goal! Why?

  • They may check out your other links

  • They may decide to stay + do some looking around

  • Seeing more of what makes you special builds familiarity and is a great step toward engaging + building your community

  • They may visit your store + decide to buy❤️⚡️

  • They may sign up for your newsletter while they’re there (you do have a newsletter, right?)

  • More traffic = better Google ranking

  • Analytics all in one place.

Build Your Own Link Tree Today!


Building a Link Tree in Squarespace is easy!

  • Add a “Links” page - we added a page under our About page. We suggest naming this page “Links” and keeping the URL simple, i.e.

  • Add a section + then add and customize buttons using the button builder on the tools pop-up panel

  • Hint! | To center our button links, we use three space blocks across then build our buttons under the center spacer.

  • Hint #2! | For a more customized look, create a tall border(s) + drop in on either side of your button tree.

  • Border ideas | Draw your border and shoot it with your phone. Use online clip art. Draw something (tall and thin) in a drawing app and then size down to about 1000x200px.

  • Test your links!

  • Add a link to this page to your Instagram profile - Voila!

Shopify, WIX, Wordpress

  • Design your button on a Call-To-Action button generator (here’s an example) or create your own in a drawing app or by drawing on paper, shooting + cropping on your phone.

  • Add a blank “Links” page. We suggest naming this page “Links” (or something that lets your followers know this link will take them where they want to go) and keeping the URL simple, i.e.

  • Insert your buttons + center. Add link URLs for each + decide whether these should open in-page or in a new page.

  • Test your links!

  • Add a link to this page to your Instagram profile - Voila!


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